Below is the Template used for making a Droid, please follow it accordingly, and paste it in the right order:
Production Information
Creator: (Who created this Droid? This is only if it was personally created.)
Manufacturer: (Which group of people, organization, gang, faction, ect... Created this Droid? This is only for the mass-produced Droids.)
Model: (The ID, and/or name given to this Droid.)
Class: (Assassin Droid, Protocol Droid, Astromech Droid, ect...)
Technical Specifications:
General Appearance: (Give us a description of this Droid's appearnce, a picture would be perfectly fine.)
Height: (The height of this Droid, how tall is it?)
Gender: (Femminine/Masculine Programming)
Sensor Color: (The color of this Droids eyes, or scanner(s).)
Plating Color: (The color of this Droid's armor, or material, it can be more then one color.)
Armaments: (What is this Droid's built-in weaponry, devices?)
Equipment: (What is this Droid Capable of using efficiently, that wasn't built into it?)
Chronological and Political Information
Era: (Please use the Era of the Storyline, this Era is known as the Post-Grand War.)
Affiliation: (Which faction, gang, organization, ect... Uses this Droid, or these Droids?)